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Little dogs ATTACK too !!!

Rozie Carter

New Member
Why is it that there are so many news stories about the big breed dogs attacking little dogs
but no one wants to do the story on my cane corso being attacked by a poodle mix, my dog was attacked and was left with a swollen face but the little dog walked away without a mark but yet my dog is an agressive breed ???? come on now !!!!
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Well-Known Member
Completely agree!!! My mother owns a rat terrior that has bit everyone in a 5 mile radius and is the most aggressive dog I have ever been around (i have owned chows, GS, rotties, & pits). I currently own a GS/chow mix (+ my EM) that is pretty aggressive yet has never bit anyone and is super good with my kids. He has never even nipped at them even when they climb all over him. Funny how big dogs are always the "problem" :mad:


Well-Known Member
LOL love this post. When we go out walking, it's always the tiny dogs (across-the-road's Chihuahuas come to mind) that come bolting after us (not fenced in, of course, because little Bitsy is such a cutie dontchaknow), snapping the growling but of course I have to keep them away from Oscar ... one retaliatory nip and I'M the bad person with a "mean" dog. The only times I've ever been bitten it's been tiny dogs. Not saying there can't be well behaved ones, but seems like most people don't make the effort.



Well-Known Member
No one wants to hear about the retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, yorkies and other fluffy breeds attacking. It does not make for good news or fear mongering.
My Corso avoids small dogs like the plague as she has been bitten countless times by them.
I find it interesting that I will be walking both my CC on flat collars, lead slack, using only one hand and I get the dirty looks from people who's small dogs are snarling and lunging at the end of their extenda-leads. If my dogs behaved like that, you can bet by-law would be at my house in a heart beat.


New Member
yes its completely true. I too have a pet dog which is just a month old and after I bought him home after 5 days he started jumping and attacking on this. I remember the first time he attacked me.


Well-Known Member
yes its completely true. I too have a pet dog which is just a month old and after I bought him home after 5 days he started jumping and attacking on this. I remember the first time he attacked me.

You have had him for a month or he is a month old total?


Well-Known Member
There is definitely a huge double standard when it comes to small, noisy, and rather useless dogs, and big dogs such as mastiffs. My dad hates my Cane Corso's guts, and though when he asserts himself it can be moving, he is a very good dog. My dad has a rat/jack mix that bit my oldest son over a game of fetch. The ball bounced off a wall and came back to my son, and when he went to pick it up the little dog bit him. My in-laws snorky attacks kids in the family at least monthly....but since these dogs generally are unable to do much harm, they are excused. We have discussed boarding my dog and the snorky together while we go on an upcoming vacation with the in-laws, but I'm not gonna let it happen because I know that as soon as we drive away, the Corso will ingest that snorky.....and I wouldn't blame him!;)


Well-Known Member
Ben has issues with small dogs ever since a wonderful lady in my park let her border terrier off the leash where upon it ran over to Ben, who at this point used to play regularly with two other terriers, and when Ben lent down to sniff his nose immediately bit him on the jowls, drawing blood. I dragged Ben away because as you can imagine he was less than happy, and then as I was taking him away from the situation it ran up behind him, latched on to and shook were his nuts used to be. According to a friend who was with me at the time, when the rat dog bit Ben's face all his owner did was tell it off like one would a small child and made no attempt to put on the leash. I didn't see this because I was too busy taking Ben away from any potential incident, knowing full well which dog would be blamed if something happened. End result Ben will not allow small dogs to get behind him and I was left with a roughly £300 vet's bill that the other owner made no attempt to pay. I now ask small dog owners to stay away from me and Ben, but I don't even bother trying to explain why any longer, there's just no point.


Well-Known Member
Ben has issues with small dogs ever since a wonderful lady in my park let her border terrier off the leash where upon it ran over to Ben, who at this point used to play regularly with two other terriers, and when Ben lent down to sniff his nose immediately bit him on the jowls, drawing blood. I dragged Ben away because as you can imagine he was less than happy, and then as I was taking him away from the situation it ran up behind him, latched on to and shook were his nuts used to be. According to a friend who was with me at the time, when the rat dog bit Ben's face all his owner did was tell it off like one would a small child and made no attempt to put on the leash. I didn't see this because I was too busy taking Ben away from any potential incident, knowing full well which dog would be blamed if something happened. End result Ben will not allow small dogs to get behind him and I was left with a roughly £300 vet's bill that the other owner made no attempt to pay. I now ask small dog owners to stay away from me and Ben, but I don't even bother trying to explain why any longer, there's just no point.

Poor Ben am sorry he had to go through that. My EM is not going to like small dogs cause of my moms small dogs. If he even sniffs them they snap at him and growl and just get all stupid in general with him. Although my EM has a protector, his older brother the GS/Chow mix. He lets the other dogs mess with my EM to a point but he draws the line real quick when he feels his brother is in danger. Luck for the little dogs he has just attacked them with anger and not his teeth. The day he does I dont think there will be any help for those little dogs and I can't say that I will feel sorry for them either as I have been bit, my husband has been bit, and my kids have been bit several times. No matter how hard I try and keep the kids away they always seem to make it in the room with those little rats. :mad: Sorry to those who have little dogs I don't mean to offend anyone but I can't stand little dogs anymore.


Well-Known Member
Lap dogs and Terriers are useless..... My uncle decided he wanted a JR..... ended up with 3.... they all got in a fight one day while under my grandfathers watch.... My grandpa ended up with I think 8-10 stitches while trying to break them up ..... and he ended up with ONE of the JR's that my uncle decided to give up. Since he has gotten that dog... it has bitten someone.... it has gotten in two fights with other dogs, with her instigating..... and she has gone for jenny TWICE !!!! Jenny is no longer aloud around the Jack russel .

Come to think of it.... the only dog bites I know of, have come from dogs 30 lbs and lighter !!!!


Well-Known Member
This is an interesting thread. My son wrote a speech for his class his senior year in high school, that it should be illegal to own any dog that weighs less than 40 pounds! Wouldn't that be a fun ordinance to put before a city council! We have a German Shepherd that weighs 150 pounds, a Shepherd/Saint Bernard mix that is 100 pounds and an English mastiff that is 180 pounds. My son has been bit, multiple times, by schnauzers, poodles and chihuahua's. Never by a big dog! I have never known ANYONE to hate little dogs more than my son does! I do agree, small dogs are soooo much more likely to bite than a big dog. If a big dog bites, there is usually a VERY good reason. Little dogs bite just because no one will make them behave!
Sorry that I am late, but I love this post and had to remark. Smaller dogs running up to my Corsos has happened countless times. I can almost depend upon it if I take my girl on a really long walk. The pet parent never sees it as a big deal and usually takes their time getting their yappy dog and if that is IF they bother to actually try to do anything about it physically. Usually their response consists of calling out to the dog a whole bunch of times to no avail. Ultimately, the nuisance loses the cocky moment and walks back home when he or she darn well feels like it.

Honestly, I really dislike little dogs. I can't see the charm or purpose but I'm glad that there are others that do. They need love also.


Well-Known Member
There is definitely a huge double standard when it comes to small, noisy, and rather useless dogs, and big dogs such as mastiffs. My dad hates my Cane Corso's guts, and though when he asserts himself it can be moving, he is a very good dog. My dad has a rat/jack mix that bit my oldest son over a game of fetch. The ball bounced off a wall and came back to my son, and when he went to pick it up the little dog bit him. My in-laws snorky attacks kids in the family at least monthly....but since these dogs generally are unable to do much harm, they are excused. We have discussed boarding my dog and the snorky together while we go on an upcoming vacation with the in-laws, but I'm not gonna let it happen because I know that as soon as we drive away, the Corso will ingest that snorky.....and I wouldn't blame him!;)

Small, noisy, rather useless dogs. Ha!! Love it! I have to say those type dogs are a major "pet peeve" of mine (pun intended). Although, I should be honest and blame it on the owners... Why do people feel it is completely ok to let their small dogs roam free without any thought to teaching them simple dog "manners". I have 3 stories that I could tell about small dogs causing major terror, but I will refrain for now. :) These small dogs bite frequently- largely without report due to the fact that the damage they cause is "minor". When you stop to think about it... they really can do significant damage! Often times, they can and do inflict more psychological damage than actual physical damage. And, that is something that cannot be measured or tallied. Just think, how many people have already said in this thread that they have been bitten by small dogs? How many people are out there that are scared of dogs largely because they were either bitten by a small dog as a child or bitten by a dog that was not well-socialized or obedient (unfortunately too often these 2 situations go hand in hand)? Again, how many big dogs avoid or become overly tense around smaller dogs due to the negative experiences they have had with these unruly little guys? I can't say this enough, obedience training and socialization is for ALL dogs not just BIG dogs. (This is coming from someone who once owned and LOVED a toy fox terrier.) The responsibility of dog ownership does not lessen or increase based on the size of the dog. It comes with the territory. Want to own a dog? Socialize it, train it, and love it!!!

I guess I should add to.... WHILE, the responsibility of dog ownership does not lessen or increase based on the size of the dog. (Unfortanetly and sadly, the legal ramefications and liability often do increase with the size of the dog). If owners of tiny dogs, were threatened with just a little bit of what big owners deal with, we probably wouldn't see nearly the number of situations noted above. If only we lived in an ideal world ;-)
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Well-Known Member
I don't understand it either. The large breed dog haters say if it bites, even once, PTS.......Ok thats fine but why is it ok for a pint size mutt to bite anyone they want, including children????
The double-standard is VERY annoying. :( !!!


Well-Known Member
I take my dog out in the mornings and always cross paths with the same guy who has about 5 little shaggy looking things on the leash, lunging, barking and growling at my dog, while my dog barely even looks in their direction. Every morning the guy gives the same embarassing expression, while trying to keep them quiet, but they dont listen....of course. Little dogs appearantly dont have to obey either, but I just keep smerking at the guy and his stupid little yappers. I say, why not snuff them out and get a real dog. Canines that have been bred down to that state are hardly dogs anyway. Might as well get a cat.
I take my dog out in the mornings and always cross paths with the same guy who has about 5 little shaggy looking things on the leash, lunging, barking and growling at my dog, while my dog barely even looks in their direction. Every morning the guy gives the same embarassing expression, while trying to keep them quiet, but they dont listen....of course. Little dogs appearantly dont have to obey either, but I just keep smerking at the guy and his stupid little yappers. I say, why not snuff them out and get a real dog. Canines that have been bred down to that state are hardly dogs anyway. Might as well get a cat.



This reminds me of the time my childhood pet dachshund launched himself at a gigantic German shepherd-husky cross that had the effrontery to saunter by on the sidewalk in front of our house. Noble-but-stupid Max shot out the door like a bullet as my mother was talking to a neighbor in the doorway and fastened his teeth as high up Yukon's body as he could reach.

Max required about a dozen stitches after that event. I think Yukon was more bewildered than anything else.


Well-Known Member
I'm late to this but I agree with everything that is being said. The only time I have been bit by a dog it was a Pomeranian when I was 15. I thought our dog was in my closet chewing my shoes and I reached down to move him out of the closet. He instantly spun, sprang at my face and buried his teeth right through my cheek. Turned out he was chewing his bone but I have never had a dog be food aggressive like my parents Poms were. I couldn't get stitches because of the size of his teeth but he did enough damage that I still have a pale scar on my cheek. I only see it though when I am really tired or sick, thankfully. I have always disliked small dogs and that instance just firmed it up for me. We have a bulldog but that is as small as I will go and they aren't a small dog really.


My daughter and my wife both haves scars on their face due to my wife's pos Lhasa apso(sp?) whom might I add now lives with the inlaws to keep me from killing the little worthless bastard.