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    We decided to spruce things up and fix some things under the hood. If you notice any issues, feel free to contact us as we're sure there are a few things here or there that we might have missed in our upgrade.

Argh. Leash manners.


Well-Known Member
If you want to be able to walk your dog on a leash without pulling? Then yes. And that's what I have been referring too.

I wanted advice on walking my dog on a leash without having to use food or praise as a reward. And that's what I got. The circling has been working well for her. No treats or praise involved.

There was no need to jump in here and claim that my dog didn't do what I wanted her to do because I had leadership/trust issues. My dog is never going to care all that much about what I want. That's part of her breed whether you think so or not.

So, yeah, if your advice is all couched in subtle jabs about how I just don't know how to control my dog than you can keep that to yourself. My TM is never going to train like your CC.


Well-Known Member
Well if you're going to be an idiot.

You can disagree with me all you want. That's fine. But stop with the name calling. That's twice now. Next time you want to call me names please send a PM. I can handle whatever you want to call me but no need to do it here.....I didn't even mention anything about a weight problem or anything else except something you didn't agree with and what you feel was insulting. I could say the exact same thing to someone else and they wouldn't feel one bit insulted. Either way you made the choice to call me names which in both cases have no room for interpretation. Save it.


Well-Known Member
except something you didn't agree with and what you feel was insulting. I could say the exact same thing to someone else and they wouldn't feel one bit insulted.

What you said was insulting.

It's not just that we disagree with you. You are trying to make your opinions more valid than our actual lived experiences.

You think that because your dog acts a certain way than our dogs should too and if they don't, than we are just making excuses for their bad behavior and aren't willing to put the work in to train them right. That is insulting.

You are wrong. We are drawing not only on our own very real experience with this breed but also the combined experiences of several long-time breeders. All you are drawing on is your opinions about what the breed should act like. I have lots of opinions. It doesn't make me an expert on things I have no actual experience with.

Your cookie cutter approach to dog training might work fine on 90% of the dogs out there. The TM isn't going to be one of them.

You might want to consider keeping your opinions to yourself and learning something from people with firsthand knowledge. When we say our dogs don't care what we think, it's not because we are lazy and let the dogs run things. It's because they were bred to make their own decisions. You can't train that out of them anymore than you can train the distrust of strangers out of a Fila.


Well-Known Member
You can disagree with me all you want. That's fine. But stop with the name calling. That's twice now. Next time you want to call me names please send a PM. I can handle whatever you want to call me but no need to do it here.....I didn't even mention anything about a weight problem or anything else except something you didn't agree with and what you feel was insulting. I could say the exact same thing to someone else and they wouldn't feel one bit insulted. Either way you made the choice to call me names which in both cases have no room for interpretation. Save it.

Oh sorry sweetie. I'll remember next time that I disagree with you that you're overly sensitive about your weight and that I have to be extra soft voiced in your presence.....

Seriously? Get a grip, or grow up, and acknowledge that you don't know everything.


Well-Known Member
Then we'll just disagree....They are dogs first, breeds second and you shouldn't use the breed of your dog as an excuse. No one is perfect, I know this all too well. I've made mistakes with my dogs as well.[/QUOTE]

I have no problem admitting I have made mistakes....but I can't make comments on your weight problem (I don't have one and wasnt talking about me;), that's a different topic for a different forum....Time for me to fly away on my unicorn and check on my aggressive CC and make sure he isn't hurting anybody.


Well-Known Member
DAMN! This was almost as good as a Fila thread.

BTW, I'm so full of confidence now, I'm going to take Cane to the Kinder-Kare and let him play with the preschoolers. I'm boss and that asshole is finally going to mind me.

Just joking!!!


Well-Known Member
I have no problem admitting I have made mistakes....but I can't make comments on your weight problem (I don't have one and wasnt talking about me;), that's a different topic for a different forum....Time for me to fly away on my unicorn and check on my aggressive CC and make sure he isn't hurting anybody.

Wait, so you're actually trying to make that a personal attack? After complaining cause I called you a jerk and an idiot? Dude, grow up.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I'm so full of confidence now, I'm going to take Cane to the Kinder-Kare and let him play with the preschoolers. I'm boss and that asshole is finally going to mind me.

Just joking!!!

Aaaawww, I was going to bring the popcorn and the camera! Film at 10! Proof Fila's are all bark!

cinnamon roll

Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Okay kiddies, let's play nice, or I am gonna have to play mommy dearest. This is the first and last warning and I am shutting this down.

And TM's are a VERY PRIMITIVE breed. They do not SEEK NOR CARE for your approval, they are bred to be very very independent animal. They are not even like a Fila. Filas seek the owners love and attention. TM's do NOT (at least a true tm)


Well-Known Member
Memories of being told that mastiffs can become labs.
From what research I've done into the TM I've come to the realization that training them is closer to training a cat than a dog, more specifically a Siamese cat. It can be done but they make you work for each and every step.
Personally I think that comes from how the breed developed. Ignoring the purely companion breeds dog breeds were developed to work for, with or alongside humans. Gun dogs are an example if dogs that work for humans. Herders are an example of dogs that work with humans. Guardian breeds can be split into two groups based on where they spend most of their time. The breeds that developed to live around the home work with humans. The LGD that were left to live and guard the livestock developed to work alongside humans. By necessity they had to decide what was a threat and what wasn't. They were trusted to make those decisions to keep their charges alive. The 'problem' only arose when people decided to try and treat them like a breed that developed accepting human guidance.
I would love a TM but right now the idea of a +100 lbs Siamese terrifies me. (Maybe someday).


Well-Known Member

TMs are LGDs as long as we consider humans livestock. :p

They are actually very trainable in the house. Both of my dogs learn quickly. It's just that you can never really transition them to do your bidding outside the house. Even our fenced backyard is iffy. Athena will work for treats, play fetch and generally act like a normal dog right up until the moment *anything* else catches her attention. Then there is nothing I can do to regain her focus until she's decided there is no threat.