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Boerboel Fear Period?


* Male Boerboel- Odin
* Around 5.5 months old started barking at certain strangers and not backing away when they tried to pet him
* Trainer said it was a fear period
* 7 months old now and today we were at the park all day with a friend, later the friend came over and Odin would not stop barking at him. He showered and as soon as he came out Odin barked aggressively at him again.
* He also goes CRAZY in our car if someone walks by. Even barking at friends that he has knows since 8 weeks old, also lunges at the door when people walk by.

I have been working with him, as the trainer suggests, but I am really worried that this is not normal behavior! He seems to listen to and respect me. He has good days and bad days.

PLEASE let me know if you went through this and can offer some advice. I am so worried that he won't grow out of it. He has been socialed since he was a puppy and even gone through two really great training courses.

Thank you in advance for you advice.

kristen b.

Well-Known Member
My six month female bb has never done this. She will gruff and then look to me for guidance she has never barked or lunged at anyone and her socialization was weak. I hope it works itself out for yoh


Well-Known Member
You may not be dealing with fear, and may have a very guardy BB. I will check around and get back to you.


Thank you! This moring a guy in a sweatshirt and ballcap walked by us and Odin listened and did not bark at him. I am taking him on more walks in hopes of getting him to more used to people walking by and wanting to talk to him. With respect to his boundries of course, I don't want to force anything!


Yeah his mom did not do this either, but when I had her we lived way out in the middle of nowhere so there was not a lot of foot traffic. Odin and I live at the beach and people are loud and always walking around. He does listen to me though and will sit and remain calm, so that is good! It is just hard in such a busy area to have to walk around so cautiously! Let's hope the trainer is right that I just have to work him through it!

Thanks for the feedbackl :eek:


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say without being there, but Boerboels don't seem very tolerant of loud people and will protect their people and property pretty aggressively even when young. For a Boerboel, my human= mine, car = mine, house = mine, street= mine. When out for a walk for Jade it's human = mine. She allows people to approach us but ignores the oohs and aahs. But is someone is loud or fast she gets alert and watches them like a hawk. They should be alert but not aggressive when at home or on a walk. He may have some fear but if he is moving towards to object instead of backing away I say he has a little aggression problem and need some social training. Either would need social training.


Thank you, yeah he has been in training since he was a baby, so he gets plenty of socialization. I do think he needs more walks around the neighborhood though. It is true he gets the "mine" attitude as well, but he does listen to me, which makes training him much easier! I think I just have to keep training him and taking him on walks and what not and hope that his barking tendencies when people approach pass! I always carry treats so if I stranger is willing I will offer them up a treat to give to him, most people in my area are 'dog people' so I would find that a lot of them would feel comforatable. I of course don't want to force anything but I think taking him for more walks will really help.

This morning, we walked passed an ally and a guy with a shopping cart rolled by, I could tell odin wanted to bark but i made him focus and keep walking. It was actually funny because he got SO excited with my high pitched "Let's go Odin" that he grabbed the leash and started to frolic around. Which showed that he was not in an aggressive mind set, or at least he was able to leave that mind set quickly!

Thank you for your feedback :)


Well-Known Member
I don't let strangers treat my dogs. They may pet if it is a good neutral area to do so. Boerboels are guardians at the core so if you allow strangers to treat them you may get a confused dog. Family and friends I allow and if she shows interest in someone I will let her approach them and see if they want to pet but no treats. From your descriptions I don't think he is fearful or aggressive I think he is a dominant guardian type BB. Start teaching him "Leave It" or something you want to use to have him stop or ignore stuff. He is at an age where he will exert his authority whenever he can. What is he now about 100 to 120 lb? Think of this when he is 150 to 170 lbs some get to 200+lbs make sure you and your family are his bosses not the other way around.


Yeah he knows leave it and is really good at listening to me when I stear him away from something interesting (such as something he may want to bark at). I think he is a big time guardian, I can just tell how much love he has for me, and I know he would protect me. He is such a good boy and he def know that momma is the boss! :) He also listens to his "aunt" (my roomate) and his "dad" (my boyfriend)...and yeah he is already pushing 125! Big boy!


Well-Known Member
When we walk and I see something happening and can sense Jade getting tense or alert I let it go to just a certain point then say leave it. This way she gets to go on alert but don't react. Like last weekend (not sure if I shared this yet) she met he first black man. This guy was the big and menacing type. He was on the other side of our fence and Jade decided she did not like him. She got between me and the fence and really growled at this guy. I thought he seemed fine but she would not have any of it. I just put my hand on her head but did not correct her. Later that night I saw him stupid drunk loud and nasty, Jade growled and barked and he went back in the house next door. Johan Swart (or James Brennen both older BB Breeders) told me this is called Threat Perception and most Boerboels have it in excess, and to get used to it. There senses are real keen smell and hearing are top notch and sight on movement is intense.