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    We decided to spruce things up and fix some things under the hood. If you notice any issues, feel free to contact us as we're sure there are a few things here or there that we might have missed in our upgrade.

Has anyone received a quote from ObamaCare yet?


Well-Known Member
So remind me again how Wal-Mart was started? It was just the number one retailer day (1) right? Never had competition? No one earned that huh?

I shop at Wal-Mart and I shop there because I can get what I need in one place, and for a competitive retail.. not the cheapest. The unemployment rate is where it is because of a down turn in the economy (effected by a lot more than Wal-Mart) and a bunch of lazy people that found ways to play the system. I don't care if I'm working for minimum wage until these two legs can't walk I'm going to work. People have no dignity in them self anymore, and I haven't seen work ethic taught in a long time.

We as consumers should not stand for that. We should stand up for our fellow Americans and demand that they be paid living wages. But we don't. Because we are greedy and want stuff for really cheap, no matter the overall cost. Now our neighbors are out of jobs because of outsourcing to China. Yet no one changes a thing. If you shop at Walmart, don't complain about the unemployment rate. You are part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Nope, how did you come to that conclusion? I've not read the jungle book, seen the movie though.

I've ran a business and I'm a well informed voter.

Josh, are you implying that corporations left to their own devices will do the right thing? Have you read "The Jungle"? Were you brewing your tea and not paying attention to the banking crisis that we just went through? Maybe you shouldn't vote...


Well-Known Member
In a perfect world they would. You can look at the rise of unions in this countries history and see the reality of that. Even though most unions do more harm then good now a days


Well-Known Member
You implied it to the fullest extent, secondly who get's to dictate what a company is "supposed" to do? No one other than the owner or CEO, if you owned one you'd said the same.

When you believe your job owes you anything more than your check & benefits that you agreed to, you got it wrong. Companies have share holders who have a vested interest in it being a profitable business, hard choices will be made if need be. You might not agree with them but until your the CEO or owner it doesn't really much matter.

Lol so they have no duty to their employees? Should children still made to work in sweat shops? Should people still be made too work for 2 dollars an hour? Times have changed we now think of that as common sense, as many see healthcare and living wages. Dont need everyone to be rich, but if you work full time you should not need to be on assistance. And your friends at Wally world would still be very rich.. Costco guy does very well for himself but also pays his people very well and has been giving insurance to full time employees for some time now..with still low prices?

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Well-Known Member
josh, are you implying that corporations left to their own devices will do the right thing? Have you read "the jungle"? Were you brewing your tea and not paying attention to the banking crisis that we just went through? Maybe you shouldn't vote...



Well-Known Member
Your bouncing all over the place with the subject matter so I will try to break this down.

Duty of a company - IMO - the duty of a company is to provide a safe (within reason) work environment, your salary and benefits which you were made aware of during the hiring process. What your conveying is if a company has a successful year, GP wise they increase workers compensation. I also believe the best practice is performance based pay to achieve profitable growth, however that's much easier to execute in small business and some companies & CEO's don't have a aligning opinion with that. So what if the company has a off year, customers aren't buying as much? You don't want them to decrease your salary do you (remember the CEO is still liable to produce the GP plan)? It would be wise of the employee to question a year raise based on the fact the cost of living increases yearly, if the employer doesn't give you a satisfactory answer that's not the job for you.

Children in sweat shops - I assume this comments stems from Wal-Mart vendors using any means possible to produce their product.. no I don't agree with any child being in slavery, at the same time Wal-Mart can't manage how every product they sale is product and try to play enforcer.. if they find someone is using kids to produce products they should de-authorize that product & ban the vendor intimidate.

$2 dollar wages - No one in the US is force to work for $2 a hour, if you feel like your being compensated unfairly get your butt up and go apply for a job some where else, or start your own business and compete against whatever the company is you worked for.. that should provide you more than enough drive to succeeded.

"Dont need everyone to be rich, but if you work full time you should not need to be on assistance." - Your wrong on this one, where you & I are in life right now is the sum product of the choices we've made. You work until you make it, just like ever other person in life that succeeded has. My local Publix has all kind of employee's that are special needs adults, those men&women inspire the heck out of me.. if they can go to work every day and grind it out.. then so can everyone else. This thought process is the reason the government assistance programs are in the shape they are in.

I'm glad Costco does well and pays their employees well, so does Chic-Fla-A.. they have one of the best mentoring programs of any company. I'm a big fan of both of them.

Lol so they have no duty to their employees? Should children still made to work in sweat shops? Should people still be made too work for 2 dollars an hour? Times have changed we now think of that as common sense, as many see healthcare and living wages. Dont need everyone to be rich, but if you work full time you should not need to be on assistance. And your friends at Wally world would still be very rich.. Costco guy does very well for himself but also pays his people very well and has been giving insurance to full time employees for some time now..with still low prices?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
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Well-Known Member
So, you don't agree with Walmart's practices. If you think Walmart does not know what is going on in China, then I have a bridge to sell you. Walmart knows and actually encourages manufacturers to move to China. You should read up on their practice of doing that. How they can get a company to move by slowly increasing the amount they buy from them, until they are mostly only making product for Walmart, then drastically lower what they will pay for said item and tell the company to move to China to afford that. So, you don't like that? But you still shop there? Like I said, American consumers are weak.


Well-Known Member
You guys are asking the government to MAKE companies do what is morally or even ethically correct.. lets take Min wage... I have a mom and dad shop or even walmart.. I hire you to stock shelves because you dont qualify for anything else, you hate your job and believe you should get paid more... I am the owner and i disagree so now you have 2 choices.. agree that you have no other skill and get stuck with that low paying gig or get the f@ck out and do something else... no one is forcing you to stay there. I can agree with the govt making companies reduce green house gases as it effects all of us whether we work there or not but to force them to give up their profits... no f@cking way, that is straight up theft. what happens when they finish raping the big companies? who would be next? med or small companies? how about you and me? No, then it would be wrong right? For those that think it is o.k to steal from the rich to give to the poor take a look at all the other countries that started that way and then ask yourself why in the world would we do that.


Well-Known Member
You have an over simplified view of the world, economics, supply and demand, effects of regulations, and sociology as a whole.

But being you asked.... It seems to me money is worth more in the EU then here. Or even Canada. Dont all of them have govt regulated health care, tax, and min wage laws?

If we force some companies to do maintenance on their stuff is that not forcing them to spend money from their profit? I bet you dont piss and moan when you fly in one of them govt regulated air planes though do ya?

I bet if you got rear ended by a fleet dump truck, I bet you dont complain about the regulated amount of insurance they have to carry by law now do ya? If we did not regulate them, and you had 1 million in bills and damage as a result, would you suck it up and just move on? I hope you dont think suing would help. ahahaha.

You take money out of every business and home by mandating the lawn is cut. I bet you would pick up and move if the neighbors were all allowed to let it get 4ft tall huh? I mean if you dont like the snakes and rats, well just move

You take money from every restaurant with those pesky laws and inspections. But if there was no regulation, I bet you would find a new place to eat if you found out the pissed in the sink they clean your salad in huh?

The burden builders down here have on them to make it to storm code is high, but I bet you would not even know to ask about storm codes if you up and moved here, so if your roof blew away from a tiny old cat3, you would grin and bear it huh?

We hurt alcohol sales with that pesky 21 law. And I bet you would have nothing at all to say if your 13yr old was buying 12 packs every day.

ame with smoking and tobacco comps.

Now riddle me this with all this wisdom... You have a own of 2000 people. 800 work in a plant, 800 in farming, the rest at the hardwear store, one of 2 fat food joints, gas station etc...... 75% of the jobs are paying under 9hr. 85% offer zero benefits.

Should the town die off when everyone leaves to find a new job else where? Who then works in the plant and farms? When multiplied across the millions and millions and millions of such jobs across america, where do these new jobs come from?

Or are you simply saying screw them? Cause theres only two ways that goes.

I think maybe in your head you were thin more along the lines of nazi germany huh? ahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Talking about over simplifiing huh? lol. Again you are mixing in regulations for general health and safety of everyone vs high pay and benefits for that particular company's employees... 2 diff things. you brought up some interesting points... farming, harware stores, fast food, gas stations.... all of which are HUGE money making markets in those little towns...lol. do you really believe that a farmer can afford to pay more? most are going out of business because of the high price of staying open but you want them to give benefits... o.k.. here are benefits for a year and next year find another job cause we have to close down...I swear liberals think that everyone that owns any business has money to spare. Most businesses barely break even at the end of a year. the majority of business owners make about 50k a year, tell me how much more they should be paying their employees and how much less they should take in so they can afford to give all their employees health care... what happens when they go out of business? forget that they are paying min wage for min skilled labor.. what happens when that unskilled labor has no where to work? will they be better off sucking on the govt tits?


Well-Known Member
Last I checked there were no sweat shops in the back of my Wal-Mart.. what I said and what your rebuttal was/is are two different things.

Wal-Mart has more consumers than any other retailer in the world.. so apparently not a lot of folks have your same opinion.

So, you don't agree with Walmart's practices. If you think Walmart does not know what is going on in China, then I have a bridge to sell you. Walmart knows and actually encourages manufacturers to move to China. You should read up on their practice of doing that. How they can get a company to move by slowly increasing the amount they buy from them, until they are mostly only making product for Walmart, then drastically lower what they will pay for said item and tell the company to move to China to afford that. So, you don't like that? But you still shop there? Like I said, American consumers are weak.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a liberal. I supported Ron Paul, the only real republican running. You brought up min wage hurting business. I responded to that. Any thing past that, you just made up out of thin air. Did I ever say farmers should provide benefits? No, so stop talking for me. And I bet you I know ALOT more farmers then you so dont talk to me about profit margins. I assure you, I'm far more connected to just about every aspect of the ag industry. I also never said anyone should pay more to anyone. So again, dont make up my conversation for me. You made a point on min wage and why it's not needed. I countered your point with reality. You simply stated that min wage was not needed because if you make to little you should move on to something better.

So you have 2000 people in a town. No min wage or pay regulations and no benefits. What is your solution?Should they all move on like you suggest they do? If so please answer my other questions.
Talking about over simplifiing huh? lol. Again you are mixing in regulations for general health and safety of everyone vs high pay and benefits for that particular company's employees... 2 diff things. you brought up some interesting points... farming, harware stores, fast food, gas stations.... all of which are HUGE money making markets in those little towns...lol. do you really believe that a farmer can afford to pay more? most are going out of business because of the high price of staying open but you want them to give benefits... o.k.. here are benefits for a year and next year find another job cause we have to close down...I swear liberals think that everyone that owns any business has money to spare. Most businesses barely break even at the end of a year. the majority of business owners make about 50k a year, tell me how much more they should be paying their employees and how much less they should take in so they can afford to give all their employees health care... what happens when they go out of business? forget that they are paying min wage for min skilled labor.. what happens when that unskilled labor has no where to work? will they be better off sucking on the govt tits?


Well-Known Member
We regulate the insurance because we have to save people from them selves, They are to cheap to buy it or gamble on never needing it. We have age restrictions on drinking to save people from them selves. Parents apparently cant do a good enoough job. We have ins regulation on dump trucks to save operators from them selves as it was just to high of a cost on their own. We regulate the stocks because the lure of money is to great for those grown men. Every law or regulation in we have is in relation to societies failure to self regulate. We polluted the air, we got regulation, we polluted the water, we got regulation, we inflated housing prices, we got regulation, we let kids drink, we got regulation, we worked minors because they were cheap ignorant labor, we got regulations, we let itchens kill people from filth, we got regulations, insurance takes advantage for profit, they get regulations, people gamble and lost at huge cost to those who did not on health Ins, well we got regulations