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Social management question / status update


Active Member
Portia is doing fantastically well socializing with dogs and people. She is nine months old and does very well at the dog park, in the woods, and on the street. Of course, she's started getting the "is that dog safe?" and "is that a pit bull?" questions. But I'm happy to tell people she's a Presa -- she's a great breed ambassador.

My question today is how to manage the situation when another dog reacts poorly to her. Today, she met a small lab mix (20 lbs to her 80) who immediately tried to bite her. She yelped and ran behind my legs. I don't think he managed to do any damage, but I've been very careful not to let her have bad interactions, and I feel sad this one happened. I don't want her to become afraid of or reactive to ANY dogs. What advice do you have about minimizing the trauma if and when that happens again?

Second question: I anticipate her first heat will occur soon. What behavioral changes have you seen in your females following that heat? Did they remain safe to play with other dogs, especially females?

Obligatory photos attached.



Well-Known Member
I always "get back on the horse" after anything 'bad' happens.

Remove yourself from the proximity of the unhappy dog... and then release her to have some fun again. The big thing is to not let YOURSELF get upset over the event. If you treat it as a non-event, the puppy will take a cue from you and shake it off.

We had a bad moment at an off-leash park with our past dog. I can't remember how old he was - might have been around the same age - a GSD ran around a corner, and I think both dogs were startled - well, the GSD attacked my dog in his 'startlement'... the owner was swift to remove him from the area, and my dog looked at me with a confused look (and I still had a shock/confused look on my face, too, I'm sure)... he actually did give himself a "shake" (like after a bath), and then ran off in the other direction to find a different dog to play with. No harm, no foul!

I take the attitude that those other dogs are having a bad day and/or are jealous... and we just have to be bigger than they are and walk away from it to go have fun elsewhere. So far, that attitude has passed down to my dogs, and we've never had an incident turn into anything more than a lot of noise and some mis-placed slobber.

I'll let others chime in on the heat thing... I think each dog is unique on that, so I'd keep an eye out for any shift in her attitudes to other dogs, but it could go either way. I keep waiting for Denna to stop enjoying being around strange dogs... but it hasn't happened yet. She's 3 yrs old now.


Well-Known Member
I think Dennasmom covered it, just to reemphasize don't make a bit deal of it your dog and if they're in the vicinity of other dogs (who are behaving) just let her "get back on the horse" and continue her play. Haven't had it happen to Bea yet, but it has happened to our pit - only thing there it ended very bad for the other (much larger) dog before we got them separated. But mine was the one who was attacked, she just didn't put with it that one time, then went on immediately to play with others in our group - instantly forgotten. Bea is about a month younger than Portia, so I'm in the same situation there wondering when she'll go into her first heat - was told to expect it anytime after 8 mos and she just turned that age. Beautiful pics too of Portia, she's a doll!


Well-Known Member
I think you are doing great with the socialization and avoiding the bad reaction dogs, we always tried the same. Zoe is still friendly at 23 months. Now her first heat didn't occur until she was 16 months old. She is just now coming into her second heat & behaviorally she always remained the same with humans & dogs. Biggest change with her was she really just wanted to sleep while she was in heat. We would take her potty & on short walks and she was content. No aggression or reactivity...we generally avoided other dogs at the time incase they were upset by her scent. But generally dog parks aren't a great idea while they are in heat as it can cause an uproar with those around her.


Well-Known Member
Understand dog parks can be horrible places as owners bring pent up, frustrated, untrained dogs there to run wild. If your going to dog parks I would recommend learning canine body language so you can tell if another dog is acting appropriately, stressed, a bully, etc. When I am at the park I don't socialize I am focused on my dogs 100% of the time. I watch every interaction looking for anything that may turn aggressive. If I see a dog approaching inappropriately I block and tell them to get lost. I have only had to do it 2 times in the 15 times I have been to the dog park with Bear. I know my swissy is a long greeter and it makes some dogs really uncomfortable so I only allow her a couple seconds to say hi, then call her back to me.If the other dog follows then I let them be. Just watch your dog and others to avoid conflict. If a dog is getting pushy step in. Who cares if you hurt the other owners feelings. I can't believe people who let their dogs roll others or hump. Be an advocate for your dog.


Active Member
Thanks for all of your excellent input! Unfortunately, I've got a new problem now. I started another thread ...

Cobalt, just FYI, Portia calmed down a lot at 8 months.